Why Some Companies Tend Toward Microservices and Why Some Companies Don’t

Recently, I started reading a new book called Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems, by Sam Newman. So far, the book is good. The first chapter gave a good overview of what microservices are. One of the key takeaways are about how you want to keep services small, with a core benefit being that you can iterate faster than you otherwise would have. However, in my experience, I have found that I (and others) can tend towards the reverse. That is, engineers might tend towards adding new code to existing monolithic services instead of adding code to new services. Funnily enough, we agree with the theory of microservices, but disagree with it in practice from time to time. It’s curious because if microservices are so much simpler amd easier to maintain than their monolithic counterparts, and allow engineers to be more productive, then why don’t they simply take over like weeds? Are many of my colleagues and I just shitty engineers or is there something deeper going on? At some companies and environments microservices do proliferate and in others they don’t. This is especially curious because people often follow the path of least resistance – they want to get their job done and move on.

In my experience, what I’ve found is that people tend to microservices only when the process of spinning up a new microservice is easy. If that’s the case, then it’s easier to create a new microservice for a new piece of functionality. Otherwise, it’s easier and faster and cheaper to simply continue tacking on new functionality to an existing monolithic application until it becomes zombieware, at which point you still add on new code because nobody wants to deal with that undead elephant of a problem.

As an extremely astute colleague and friend of mine, Henry Seurer, once said: “The app is the deployment pipeline.” By saying that, Henry was basically saying that engineers just leverage the existing app to create new functionality because it’s the easiest thing to do. Thus, in order for organizations to have a thriving microservice ecosystem, they must enable engineers to easily provision hosts and deploy services/containers automatically using easy-to-create pipelines.